

Third Swiss Brain Health Plan Workshop

On Friday, August 23, the third workshop of the Swiss Brain Health Plan  took place.

Medienmitteilung Swiss Brain Health Plan: Welttag des Gehirns - Gesundheit und Prävention

«Morgens haben alle eine Zahnbürste in der Hand…Die meisten zumindest. Alle wissen, dass man am Morgen die Zähne putzen muss. Es wird oft vernachlässigt, dass man täglich etwas für das Gehirn tun sollte», Zitat Prof. Dr. med. Claudio Bassetti, Leiter des Komitees Swiss Brain Health Plan.

Der 22. Juli ist Welttag des Gehirns. In der Schweiz soll ein nationaler Plan zum Thema Gehirngesundheit entstehen.


Epilepsy research prize: smarter EEGs

This year's research funding prize from the Swiss Epilepsy League goes to two projects from Geneva and Zurich, both of which are working on brainwave measurement. If successful, they could not only improve diagnoses but also treatment options.

Better brain health better quality of life

More than just a headache: migraine sufferers suffer from the consequences of migraines. The impact on work and private life is significant. Effective, innovative approaches, such as the positive influence of migraine-friendly workplaces, are needed.

Recommendations: Stroke Units and Stroke Centers in Switzerland

The recommendations include the adapted certification criteria for stroke units and stroke centers in Switzerland and represent a revision of the guidelines and requirement profiles last published in 2012.

Hirnschlag -was folgt danach? Wieso die Schweiz eine Patientenorganisation braucht

The lack of a dedicated patient organization for stroke survivors in Switzerland has led to a public event being held on this topic.

Other countries have successfully established such organizations and it is important to take up this topic to discuss the possibility of creating a similar institution in Switzerland.

The aim of this event is to highlight the importance of patient organizations for stroke survivors, provide insights into the process of establishing such an organization, and lead a discussion on why there is no such organization in Switzerland and what steps are needed to change this.


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