

SÄZ Article - Brain Health Initiative: Caring for the Brain

For the Brain Health working group, brain health is a health policy priority. Because more and more people are suffering from the consequences of neurological diseases.

Antibiotic Awareness Week 2022 | 18 to 24 November 2022

From 18 to 24 November 2022, international organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) are once again calling for "World Antimicrobial Awareness Week" (WAAW).

Revised Patient Decree of the FMH is available

The FMH presents a revised patient decree. Since October, it is been online and in paper form. Talk about it with your patients too. It is available here in German or French.

World Brain Day | 22 July 2022

It is estimated that about 146,500 people with dementia live in Switzerland. Every year, about 31,375 new cases are diagnosed. The most common form of dementia (approx. 60%) is Alzheimer's dementia. The economic costs are immense.

Yvonne Feri zur neuen Präsidentin von ProRaris gewählt

An der Delegiertenversammlung vom 11. Juni 2022 wurde die Aargauer Nationalrätin Yvonne Feri zur neuen Präsidentin von ProRaris gewählt.

Neurosciences: Announcement Robert Bing Prize 2022

Every two years, the SAMS announces the Robert Bing Award for young researchers in neuroscience. The prize honours outstanding work in the field of detection, treatment and cure of neurological diseases.

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