

Re-Certification of Stroke Centers and Stroke Units

The initial certifications of Stroke Centers and Stroke Units date back three/five years (according to the version of the guideline). As required by the regulations, it is necessary to recertify those institutions because otherwise the certificates expire. For that process, the same rules apply as during the initial certification.

Re-certification has to be applied for at the SFCNS office six months prior to the expiration of the initial certificate.

The re-certification audit takes half a day (as opposed to one day at the first certification). During the audit, compliance with quality criteria for stroke centres and stroke units are checked based on control samples. Other factors that are taken into account are the documents that are available before and during the audit, questioning of the staff and local inspection. The assessment of the audit will be communicated at the on-site final meeting.

Based on the written report by the leading auditor and the certificate commission’s application, the SFCNS stroke committee takes a final decision whether re-certification will be granted or not.

The audit takes place about four months after the application. Applicants can indicate date preferences, the SFCNS office coordinates with the certification commission and SanaCERT Suisse and decide on the date as well as the composition of the audit team.

The re-certification will be implemented in collaboration with SanaCERT Suisse.




Please use the following link here and complete the survey to start the recertification process.



Annex V

SFCNS Certifications Office


Anna Schmidt, Lead Certifications
Laura Chapuisat, Office Manager Certifications

c/o IMK Institute for medicine and communication Ltd
Münsterberg 1
4001 Basel
Phone +41 61 561 53 53