The Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies

The Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies (SFCNS) was officially founded in 2009. The first stones of its foundation were laid in Montreux at the April 2008 joint meeting of six Clinical Neuroscience Societies, which commemorated the centenary of the Swiss Neurological Society. Following the great success of this meeting, the Swiss Neurological Society (SNS), Swiss Society of Neurosurgery (SSN), Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology (SSNC), Swiss Society of Neuropediatrics (SSNP), Swiss Society of Neuroradiology (SSNR), and Swiss Society of Neuropathology (SSNPath) agreed to come together and form a Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies (SFCNS). This marked the beginning of a new cooperative effort aiming to strengthen clinical neurosciences throughout Switzerland.

The SFCNS aims to formalise and structure the joint political, educational, and clinical research efforts. Regular high-level congresses shall lay the ground for communication and contacts with other medical groups working in the neuroscience field.

The SFCNS is a strong partner for all medico-political challenges in Switzerland. Representing multidisciplinary medical associations and patient groups, the SFCNS is strategically bridging interests. For translational research and education, SFCNS is a cooperative partner of the Swiss Society for Neuroscience. Via targeted projects that primarily involve HSM, the SFCNS paves the way for excellence and advances in neurological health care.

Executive Board 2022-2025

Prof. Luca Remonda, MD

Neuroradiology, Aarau

Prof. Raphael Guzman, MD

Neurosurgery, Basel


Prof. Philippe Lyrer, MD

Neurology, Basel

Prof. Hans Jung, MD

Neurology, Zurich

Prof. Isabel Wanke, MD

Neuroradiology, Zurich
Assessor SSNR

Prof. Oliver Bozinov, MD

Neurosurgery, St. Gallen
Assessor SSNC

PD Barbara Goeggel Simonetti, MD, PhD

Neuropediatrics, Bellinzona
Assessor SSNP

Prof. Kim Quang Do Cuénod

Psychiatric neurosciences, Lausanne
Assessor SSBP

Prof. Alexandre Datta, MD

Neuropediatrics, Basel
Assessor SSBP

Prof. Indrit Bègue, PhD

Psychiatry, Genf
Assessor YouCliN

Harald F. Grossmann

IMK AG, Basel
General Secretary


Policy Statement on Gender Equity

The Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies SFCNS acknowledges the need to actively promote and advance gender equity.

As a professional representation body and the umbrella organization of the Clinical Neuro-Societies in Switzerland, the SFCNS stands for inclusive leadership and declares its commitment to take gender transformative actions to address inequities, eliminate gender-based discrimination, and support access to professional development and leadership roles aiming at gender parity in decision making positions.


I Name und Sitz

1. Die "Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies" (SFCNS) ist ein Verein der Fach- und Interessensgesellschaften im Bereich der klinischen Neurowissenschaften gemäss Art. 60 ff des Schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuches.

2. Der Sitz des Vereins fällt mit dem Sitz der administrativen Geschäftsstelle zusammen.

Download the Bylaws (in German, revised Delegates' Assembly 28.09.2022)

I. Nom et domicile

1. La "Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies" (ci-après SFCNS) est une association regroupant les sociétés du domaine des neuro-sciences cliniques au sens des articles 60 et suivants du Code civil suisse.

2. Le siège de la SF CNS est le même que celui du secrétariat permanent.

Download the Bylaws (in French, revised Delegates' Assembly 28.09.2022)

I. Name and headquarters

1. The "Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies" (SFCNS) is a federation of specialist and interest associations in the field of clinical neurosciences in accordance with Art. 60 ff of the Swiss Civil Code .

2. The headquarters of the federation is the same as the headquarters of the administrative office.

Download the Bylaws (in English, revised Delegates' Assembly 28.09.2022)