Swiss Brain Health Plan – Extended Board

SBHP Extended Board Members

Prof. Giovanni Frisoni, MD

Memory Center, Rehabilitation and Geriatrics, Geneva


Alice Accorroni, MD, PhD

Clinical Neuroscience, Geneva

Prof. Rahel Naef, RN

Nursing and Implementation Science, Zurich

Stefanie Becker, PhD

Alzheimer Schweiz, Bern

Prof. Urs Fischer, MD

Neurology, Bern

Prof. Renaud Du Pasquier, MD

Neurology, Lausanne

Prof. Erich Seifritz, MD

Psychiatry, Zurich

Prof. Luca Crivelli, PhD

Public Health, Lugano

Prof. Stefan Kaiser, MD

Psychiatry, Geneva

Prof. Emiliano Albanese, MD

Public Health, Lugano

Prof. Philippe Conus, MD

Psychiatry, Lausanne

Prof. Antoine Flahault, MD

Global Health, Geneva

Katrine Singer, cand. med.

Swiss Medical Students' Association - swimsa, Basel

Thomas Steffen, MD

Public Health Schweiz

Prof. Tania Rinaldi Barkat, MD

Swiss Society for Neuroscience, Basel

Prof. Simon Jung, MD

Neurology, Bern