

Medienmitteilung: Swiss Brain Health Plan – Startschuss der mehrjährigen Initiative

Am 22. November 2023 findet das SFCNS Swiss Brain Health Stakeholder Kick-off Meeting im Kunsthaus Zürich statt. Der Anlass ist öffentlich, der Einlass ist kostenfrei. Die Medienkonferenz findet am Vormittag statt.

SFCNS Swiss Brain Health Plan Kick-Off Stakeholder Meeting | Nov 22 2023, Kunsthaus Zürich

The SFCNS Swiss Brain Health Plan Kick-Off Meeting will take place on November 22, 2023 from 13:00-18:00 at the Kunsthaus Zurich.

NeXus: Training Program

Nexus is An interdisciplinary clinical NEuroscience eXcellence training program to foster and support young clinicians in Switzerland.

European Stroke Awareness Day | 09 May 2023

Stroke is the most common cause of adult-acquired disability and is the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in industrialised countries.

Study shows: Earlier start of treatment with blood thinners after stroke is safe and more effective

An international clinical study led by Inselspital, University Hospital Bern, and the University of Bern has shown that anticoagulation (blood thinning) can be started earlier in people with stroke and atrial fibrillation than previously recommended in the guidelines.

4th SFCNS Summer School 2023

The program of the 4th SFCNS Summer School focuses on the update with case presentations in Multidisciplinary Management, with four scientific sessions in the fields:

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