Swiss Brain Health Plan

Swiss Brain Health Plan


Our brain is essential for health, wellbeing, creativity and productivity, both as individuals and society. However, brain disorders - which include such neurological and psychiatric/mental conditions as stroke, dementia, epilepsy, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, headache, sleep disorders- affect over 50% of the population. Also, brain disorders are not only very frequent, but also a source of tremendous suffering for individuals and their families, as well as an increasing economic burden for the entire community.

The crucial role of the brain for our lives and the high burden of brain disorders contrast with the almost universal absence of strategies to promote brain health and prevent brain disorders. With the Swiss Brain Health Plan (SBHP), our country has the chance to be among the very first to adopt concrete solutions to value, promote, and protect the brain over the entire lifespan. To address this tremendous challenge, more awareness, education, research but also a novel, integrated public health approaches and the empowerment of patients are needed.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all for sharing the same vision and conviction that a change is not only needed but also possible.


Prof. Dr med. Dr. h. c. mult. Claudio L.A. Bassetti
Chair, Swiss Brain Health Plan (SBHP)
Vice-President, European Brain Council (EBC)
Past President, European Academy of Neurology (EAN)
Founding President, Swiss Federation of Clinical Neurosocieties (SFCNS)


Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023-2033

This Swiss Brain Health Plan implements the Swiss Brain Health Strategy in accordance with the EAN Brain Health Strategy, launched by the WHO and the European Academy of Neurology EAN in 2022.

The joint goal is awareness creation about brain health as a whole and to initiate prevention programs. The strategic task force of the Swiss Brain Health Plan consists of the authors of the publication "The Swiss Brain Health Plan 2023-2033".

Swiss Brain Health Plan: Objectives and Perspectives

The Five Pillars of the SFCNS Swiss Brain Health Plan

The SFCNS Swiss Brain Health Plan (SBHP) is based on these five strategic objectives. Specific projects have been and are being set up and pursued for each pillar. As a whole, these efforts form the SBHP.

SFCNS Swiss Brain Health Plan


In 2020, the WHO established a dedicated Brain Health Department and developed a Global Action Plan (GAP) on epilepsy and other neurological conditions. This plan was adopted by the World Health Assembly in May 2020 and aims to "improve the care, recovery, well-being and participation of people with neurological conditions across the life course". With the global action plan, the WHO defines neurological diseases as a priority for the first time, for which the member states are to define national action plans in which specific implementation steps and indicators are ideally specified.

In summer 2021, the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), under the leadership of EAN President Prof. C. Bassetti, Bern, launched several activities that support, pursue and complement the objectives of the WHO Global Action Plan. This was followed in 2022 by the publication of a groundbreaking strategy paper ("Brain health: one brain, one life, one approach") and the organization of a "Brain Health Summit".

These developments of significant relevance led to the launch of the 'SFCNS Swiss Brain Health Plan' initiative in Switzerland.